Come sit on the porch awhile. Enjoy a glass of sweet iced tea as you peruse my thoughts, memories, dreams and images of family and friends - things trivial and not so trivial - past, present and future. I write and post for the simple pleasure of doing so. If you reap some small amount of pleasure from what you find here please come back again soon.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Am I up to this challenge?

Working miracles on old photos is usually a welcome challenge, but "doctoring" the following two images may be an impossible task. The environment has been unkind to them - water stains, dirt smudges, rips, crinkles and overall fading bear witness to their carelessly handled history. But still they are neat images and well worth preserving. I am posting them here first sans restoration, and then will update them as my work on them progresses.

The portrait above is of the Goss Family - Morris, Eliza, Jeff, Allen and Louise - on their front porch somewhere in Cumberland County, Tennessee probably in the early 1900s.

This is John Dial and Alma Barnes posing together on a porch also somewhere in Cumberland County, Tennessee circa 1910, according to a notation on the back of the original photograph.
Were they engaged? Did they marry? And have children? Maybe I'll find out as I work on the restoration.