Come sit on the porch awhile. Enjoy a glass of sweet iced tea as you peruse my thoughts, memories, dreams and images of family and friends - things trivial and not so trivial - past, present and future. I write and post for the simple pleasure of doing so. If you reap some small amount of pleasure from what you find here please come back again soon.

Friday, October 30, 2009

A Little More About Me...

I like dogs.
I am a dog person.
Cats don't like me usually and usually I don't like them much either. I do respect them however. Over these hundreds of years while humans have attempted to tame cats they have maintained not only their aloofness but their wild skills as well.
Cats, large and small, pampered or not, are still without a doubt the best hunters on the planet bar none. If you think your cute little puss won't stalk, pounce and effectively kill anything smaller than itself you are living in a dream world. You are just very lucky to be much larger than the little darling purring on your lap right now. If you were smaller, I submit that you would be in grave danger of serious bodily injury and even death...if your "pet" was so inclined. And that's the main thing about cats, they do exactly what they are inclined to do and only when they are inclined to do it. And so, yes, I do respect cats. But I don't like them very much. The cats in my life have been few and far between but I have had a couple of good cats that I genuinely cared for and they for me. Some of my best friends are cat people and that's okay. But...

I am a dog person.
I like dogs.
My favorite breed is Schnauzer. One of my best buddies was a distinguished little gentleman Schnauzer named Jock. I lost Jock about three years ago to injury and illness. I mourned for him like he was a real person and still miss him today.
I like almost all dogs. I am narcissistic enough to appreciate their obedience and loyalty.
I would not, but you can, slap a dog silly and two minutes later he'll come back to you when called and be tickled pink to be in your good graces again. That works for me.
Am I a control freak? No, not really, but I do like maintaining control.
And I do want a companion who will listen to me without judgment, like me without prejudice, and catch my back in a fight. If you care for a dog properly, giving him encouragement and guidance and a treat every now and again, he will do that for you.
I like dogs. What else do you need to know about me?

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