Next week's plan was to finish work on my studio - moving some things to storage, installing the last bit of insulation, putting in some sort of ceiling panels...flooring...underpinning...sounds like a lot of work but it's not a very big studio so one beautiful week should get me there. But the one hitch in my plan is the weather. If the forecasters are correct we will have cold rain every day except Saturday, which is of course my day to work at my "real job". So maybe tomorrow I'll pick another recipe or two and make more cookies. Besides, I have a friend with MS who really needs cookies from time to time and now just might be one of those times.
The "Peanut Butter Cookies" recipe (shown above) also calls for honey and brown sugar and they are deliciously different.
Quartered gumdrops (below) are needed for the "Jeweled Cookies". These little treats are very chewy but also very tasty!
I still have the old cookbook that my mother used. It's missing the covers and some pages but I'll never part with it. The things my mother baked the most can be found by the dirtiest pages..Ha! I haven't made peanut butter cookies in ages. Now I think I will!